User section provides the option to adjust the settings related to the user account and payment preferences.
Please note
Changes made in this section will be applied to the new user accounts. For existing changes should be done in User settings.

Page after Administrator or Manager login - set page which should open when Administrator or Manager login: Account or Control Panel.
Show/hide password button - enables or disables possibility to view entered password in login screen.
Logout from all devices at once - if user is logged on several devices to one account when he logs out on single device he will be logged out on all devices.
Create account
User registration via login dialog - allows for new users to be registered via login dialog.
Expire account (days after account registration) - enable or disable the account expiration and expiration period.
In this section, the administrator can set defaults for various user settings, such as maps that users can access, language, currency, time zone settings, and other user settings.
Remind user about expiring objects (days before) - enables or disables notification about expiring objects.
Remind user about expiring account (days before) - enables or disables notification about expiring account.
Additional user account settings where administrators can set various restrictions for user accounts, such as the ability to receive scheduled reports, the number of available zones, daily emails, API calls, and more.