
The Object List tab within the application provides users with a comprehensive view of the available objects within their account. This tab allows users to easily locate the objects on a map, view the object's route history, and make necessary adjustments to the object's settings. This feature not only provides users with a clear understanding of the objects' locations but also enables them to manage and monitor the objects' movements and configurations efficiently. Overall, The Object List tab is a powerful and valuable tool that enables users to effectively manage and track the objects within their account.


  • Object status - in these tabs, objects are grouped by their current status.

    • All - displays all objects regardless of status.

    • Offline - displays objects that are currently offline.

    • Moving - objects that have moving status are grouped in this tab.

    • Idle - shows list of Idling objects.

    • Stopped - displays objects that are currently stopped.

  • Search - finds objects in the object list by object name, IMEI, ID or license plate number.

  • refresh-color - updates the status of objects in the list.

  • share-orange - allows to share the selected object or the position of the object by e-mail or SMS.

  • object-add - allows to add a new object to a user account.

  • Group - displays a list of objects belonging to the selected group.

  • eye - turns on or off the visibility of objects on the map.

  • follow - centers the selected object in the center of the screen each time the GPS device has updated its position when multiple objects are selected - the map is zoomed in so that all remain visible.

  • land-truck -specifies the object icon that will be displayed on the map when it is set.

  • Object information - object name, date and time of the last received location.

  • Speed indicator - shows the current speed of the object.

  • engine-on - shows the state of ignition. To use this function, the ignition sensor (ACC) must be configured.

    • engine-on - indicates that engine is on.

    • engine-off - indicates that engine is off.

  • connection-gsm-gps - indicates the GPRS and GPS signal status.

    • connection-no - the device does not receive GPS and GPRS signals.

    • connection-gsm - the device does not receive GPS signal.

    • connection-gsm-gps - the device receives GPS and GPRS signals.

  • menu - opens menu with following options:

    • Show history - efficient method for retrieving historical data within a specified timeframe.

    • Follow - opens hover window that displays the movement of selected object on a map.

    • Follow (new window) - opens a new browser tab showing the movement of the selected object on a map.

    • Street View (new window) - launches a new browser tab that displays the specified object's location in Google Street View.

    • Send command - opens Object control menu .

    • Edit - opens object Object properties menu.

Share position

To access the Share position menu click on the share-orange icon. Share position menu window will appear.


  • Name - name of the Share position record.

  • E-mail - email address to which Share position links will be sent.

  • Phone - phone number to which Share position links via SMS will be sent.

  • Objects - number of objects whose positions will be shared.

  • Active - indicates whether the Shale position are active or not active.

  • Expires on - date when the Share position record will expire.

  • edit - opens Share position properties menu.

  • remove3 - delete Share position record.

  • plus - add a new Share position record.

  • refresh - refresh the Share position records list.

  • action2 - opens action menu.

    • remove3 - delete selected Share position records.

Share position properties

To access the Share position properties menu click on the plus icon at the bottom of Share position window. Share position menu window will appear.


Share position

  • Active - enables or disables the Share position record.

  • Name - name of the Share position record.

  • Object - select object or objects for which the Share position record will be created.

  • E-mail - email address to which Share position links will be sent.

  • Phone - phone number to which Share position links via SMS will be sent.

  • Expires on - date when the Share position record will expire.

  • Delete after expiration - Share position record will be deleted after expiration.

Access via URL

  • Send via e-mail - enable sending share position via e-mail.

  • Send via SMS - enable sending share position via SMS.

  • URL desktop - shared position will be sent viewed in desktop GPS-server version.

  • URL mobile - shared position will be sent view in GPS-server mobile version.