This section allows adding of passengers which can be detected with RFID/iButton. The passengers section purpose is to collect information about passengers. Driver information can be seen in the object details panel (note: object details panel only appears if the Objects, Events, or History tab is selected in the left panel.). Passenger name is available in reports. To use this feature Passenger assign sensor must be configured.
Object passengers can be configured to get information about passenger changes (GPS device must be configured with iButton.

Search - allows to find passenger record by the name.
Name - name of the passenger.
ID number - passenger ID number.
Description - short description of the passenger record.
Object passenger properties
After clicking on button, Object driver properties window will upper which allows to create new driver record.

Name - enter new driver name.
RFID, iButton, Blue ID - enter RFID, iButton or Blue ID codes, this is required for auto assign passengers.
ID number - drivers ID number.
Address - drivers address.
Phone - drivers phone number.
E-mail - drivers e-mail.
Description - short description of the drivers record.
Upload - add picture of driver to driver's record.
Delete - remove picture of driver from driver's record.