In Icon tab user can set the way which object will be indicated on the Map and in Side bar.

Shown icon on map - Allows to select how objet will be displayed on the map, by Arrow or selected Icon.
No connection arrow color - Color of the arrow that will indicate the object on the map when a object is offline.
Stopped arrow color - Color of the arrow that will indicate the object on the map when a object has stopped.
Moving arrow color - Color of the arrow that will indicate the object on the map when a object is moving.
Engine idle arrow color - Color of the arrow that will indicate the object on the map when a object engine is idle.
Icon - opens menu where object icon can be selected and custom icon can be uploaded.
Tail color - choose color of the object tail which provides movement information on the map.
Tail points quantity - set number of object tail points, the higher number of point the longer movement information is shown on the map.