In the notifications tab, the user can set a way that he will be informed about generated event.

System message - turns on and off system message.
Please note
System message will be seen only in used browser window.
Auto hide - automatically hide message after some period of time.
Push notification - feature is compatible with Android devices. Push notification is a type of message which is shown by Android OS itself. In order to receive push notifications, feature must be enabled in GPS Server Mobile Android app settings.
Sound alert - choose notification sound.
Message to e-mail box - turns on and off message to e-mail which is triggered by selected event. Note: notification may be sent to different e-mails, separate e-mail addresses with comma.
SMS to mobile phone - sends event message via SMS. Note: SMS gateway must be configured.
E-mail template - choose template, which will be used for e-mail notifications. E-mail templates can be created in settings, templates tab.
SMS template - choose template, which will be used for SMS notifications. SMS templates can be created in settings, templates tab.
Object arrow color - select which color object arrow will have when the event is triggered.
Object list color - select which color object name in object list will have when the event is triggered.