
A webhook is a feature that enables the transfer of event-related information from one software application to another through the HTTP GET method. In simpler terms, it allows you to send information from one system to another when a specific event occurs. This information is passed through the HTTP GET method, which is a standard protocol for transmitting data on the web.


To enable webhook functionality, users are required to download the api_webhook.php file by clicking on the provided link here, and subsequently, place it on their server where PHP is installed.

Within the designated Webhook URL text field, users should specify a direct link that points to the api_webhook.php file residing on their server.

Users are then responsible for developing a custom service that will handle the received data and perform the necessary operations.

Available parameters:

  • account username

  • event type

  • description

  • IMEI

  • object name

  • server date

  • tracker date

  • latitude

  • longitude

  • altitude

  • angle

  • speed