Video gallery
To access the Videos gallery, press button in Top panel.

In Video gallery user can view videos received from tracking devices.
Videos can be up to 30 seconds long and are stored for 30 days on the server.

Objects - Select the device from which the received videos will be displayed.
Filter - quickly select the time period for which videos are to be displayed.
Time from/Time to - precise way to specify the period for which videos are to be displayed.
Please note!
Video functionality is currently supported only for Teltonika DualCam and Teltonika DashCam devices.
The camera device must be connected to a compatible tracking device.
The Teltonika tracking device must be pointed to server PORT: 11922, while the Teltonika camera device must be pointed to server PORT: 11924.
The entire configuration of the camera device must be carried out in the Teltonika Configurator software.